IS 380 Registration
IS 380 is a placeholder course for study abroad. You need to complete IS 380 registration in Banner as you would register for any other GVSU course. You will need special permission before you are able to register for IS 380. You will receive an email from PIC once permission has been granted and you can complete your registration.
There is a $28 per credit course fee that is charged to your GVSU student account for IS 380 regardless of the type of study abroad program.
Select the term you are going abroad for detailed registration information:
Students participating in a fall study abroad program must register for a minimum of 12 credits.
CRN Course Code Section # Number of GV Credits
12022 IS 380 12 12
The deadline to complete IS 380 registration for fall study abroad is June 15. If you are not registered by this date, you may not receive credit at GVSU for your study abroad program.
Students participating in a winter study abroad program must register for a minimum of 12 credits.
CRN Course Code Section # Number of GV Credits
22155 IS 380 12 12
The deadline to complete IS 380 registration for winter study abroad is November 1. If you are not registered by this date, you may not receive credit at GVSU for your study abroad program.
Students participating in a spring/summer study abroad program must register for the exact number of credits they intend to complete abroad. If you are not sure how many credits you
will be receiving, register for the minimum number of credits you intend on taking through your study abroad program.
NOTE: Students must be registered for a minimum of 6 credits in order to be eligible for federal and state student aid.
Registration for IS 380 takes place online through Banner. Students will be given permission to register AFTER they have completed their study abroad orientation. Please register for the
appropriate number of credits based on the course codes listed:
Course Code Course Code Section # Number of GV Credits
30753 IS 380 01 1
30754 IS 380 02 2
30755 IS 380 03 3
33364 IS 380 04 4
33365 IS 380 05 5
30757 IS 380 06 6
33366 IS 380 07 7
33367 IS 380 08 8
30758 IS 380 09 9
33368 IS 380 10 10
33369 IS 380 11 11
30759 IS 380 12 12
The deadline to complete IS 380 registration for fall study abroad is March 10 If you are not registered by this date, you may not receive credit at GVSU for your study abroad program.
Students that are participating in an academic year program must register for 12 credits of IS 380 for both the fall and winter semesters.
CRN Fall Course Code Section # Number of GV Credits
12022 IS 380 12 12
CRN Winter Course Code Section # Number of GV Credits
22155 IS 380 12 12
The deadline to complete IS 380 registration for fall study abroad is June 15. If you are not registered by this date, you may not receive credit at GVSU for your study abroad program.
The deadline for winter is November 1.
If you are studying abroad as a graduate student and intend on transferring credits back into a graduate program here at GVSU, please contact PIC to secure the appropriate course codes for the graduate-level IS 680 course.